Federaţia Organizaţiilor de Tineret din Regiunea Ciuc organised between 14-21 October, 2013 a training called European citizen – where are you?, financed by the European Union. The central idea of the training was the European youth with fewer opportunities.
The aim of the project was to help the participants from different countries to understand the special needs of these young people, to discuss about the means, how these young people can be motivated efficiently in order to become active part of the local and regional society. For this training came participants from Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Lithuania, Italy, and Romania, participants from our Organization.
The trainers were Mr. Grüman Róbert (RO) and Mr. Kiss Endre (HU) from Szeged, experts in training young people.
During the training the program had an intercultural - evening, where all the participants could show each-other their traditional food, music and folkdance, as a cultural exchange. Beside the training activities from the Youth Centre we visited the Harghita Cinty Council, the Harghita County Social Assistance and Child's Care Directorate, the emblematic Márton Áron High school and the Centre of the Caritas - Miercurea - Ciuc, where the participants could 'experience' the exhibition called The invisible Miercurea - Ciuc, exhibition organised for visually impaired persons.
During this training the participants earned knowledge and experience, too.
Federaţia Organizaţiilor de Tineret din Regiunea Ciuc
23th October, 2013